Sunday, October 12, 2008

...about an hour ago

I said my goodbyes.
I said my goodnights.
I brushed my teeth.
I set my alarm.

crawled into bed.
turned on my music.
rolled over
pulled the covers up
over my head i brought them
to block the glow from my laptop.

Wide i awake
Wide awake i became.
All day ive felt the warm hand of sleep
pulling my eye lids down
calming my mind
taking away my energy.

All day i resist,
with hopes that i may sleep
a good nights sleep.

Yet here i am
Wide awake.
in 4 hours or so i shall awaken...
with less sleep then needed...
and this day in and day out
gets to be quite tiresome
and is starting to take a number on me.

So what is t that i should do...
I sleep the best with conversation.
or cuddled up and warm when its cold all around me...

I just want to sleep.
please, please can i sleep...